A partial response to a post by Boyfriend

an alternate title for this post would be: in which Ke realises that humanity needs to sit down before it hurts itself

Considering the fact that I look at my stats everyday, I know there are people out there who are reading this blog. I see you guys, even if you’re doing nothing more than lurking.

The average reader’s attempt at stealth is not the point here though.

Anyone who’s ever seen even one of my posts will have noticed my frequent mentions of Boyfriend. While he may be an abstract concept for the purposes of this blog, he does actually exist outside of his usefulness as a springboard for launching my existential ramblings. In fact, he even has his own blog: rapscallionism.wordpress.com

Considering he takes up a good deal of space in my head, it was obvious that when I stumbled upon this quote, I instinctively thought of him and things he’s said in the past:

When Carl Jung introduced the concept of the “collective unconscious,” he was trying to explain why all humans are inherently scared of things like darkness and vampires—but net porn is the collective conscious. It’s where we all see the things people would never admit to wanting.

In one of his posts, he discusses the societal pressure humanity is under to conform and society’s retarded definitions of what’s acceptable – his post was actually a response to mine about the Tyranny of Slenderness. His is actually a good post to read; very passionate and with the highly inspiring title of Motherfucking fuck fucking you.He spoke mostly about society’s definition of attractive and how we’re told what we should like and what we shouldn’t.

part of me has been influenced by societal definitions ofsexy; it comes to mind that I once told Girlfriend about how, when we met, I felt like I shouldn’t have been attracted to her.

but then he mentions something else that ties in with the quote:

Meanwhile, our real sensibilities are often thrashing like madbeasts against this cage; you know the one – the one that tells us not to be turned on by “overweight” girls, and to shun stuff like bestiality and S’nM sex. Frankly I’m sick as fuck of this bullshit mentality that everyone has been buttfucked into agreeing with.

What I find funny about the quote in relation to Boyfriends post, is the new take it gives you on society’s definitions and restrictions. If porn is the collective conscious, but the majority of porn you find on the web is stuff that society would generally shun, then society is shunning itself – creating unrealistic ideals of what is acceptable and what isn’t. How’s that for utter stupidity?

No wonder you’ve got so many people buckling under the weight of the expectations placed on them – they’re totally unrealistic, but no one wants to fight them, because fighting against society is wrong.

Tell me though: who the fuck is society if a good portion of society rails against society’s definitions? Society needs to be slapped in the face and told to sit in the corner until it gets its act together.

I could ramble endlessly about the implications of this, but I won’t because I’d probably end up talking myself in circles.

What’s your sexuality?

The one where I don’t give a fuck, have sex with whatever I find attractive, leave nothing concrete, and don’t parade it around like it’s a badge of honour because who I am attracted to is neither an achievement nor is it an extension of my personality. My mating call is “well, you look symmetrical”

It’s pretty legit.

This is probably the best explanation for spectrasexuality and sapiosexuality that I’ve ever seen; it also happens to be exactly the way I feel.

SPECTRASEXUAL: The attraction towards a wide range of genders and bodily formats on the spectrum that is gender. An attraction based not entirely on personality but appearance.

SAPIOSEXUAL: A form of sexual orientation characterized by a strong attraction to intelligence in others, often regardless of gender and/or conventional attractiveness. 

I really just don’t understand the people who use their sexuality as a way to define themselves, because not being ashamed of who you’re attracted to is one thing, but waving it around like a trophy is completely another. It’s like people being proud of the fact that they metabolise oxygen.